The Long-Term Game: Why Building Your Brand Trumps Short-Term Sales

  • Tanya Thorne
  • Jun 27, 2023
The Coca Cola truck parked in a city centre.

Ah, the eternal conundrum that plagues sales and marketing teams across the globe: to chase the fleeting allure of short-term sales or to embark on the noble quest of building a formidable brand. In a world where patience is as rare as a unicorn sighting and instant gratification reigns supreme, it’s easy to succumb to the tantalising allure of immediate results. But, my savvy friends, let us not be swayed by the siren song of quick wins! For in the battle of short-term gains versus long-term prosperity, it is crucial to wield the mighty sword of brand building.

Now, before you start to question why a marketer should talk about sales, let me tell you a little more. This was a very interesting article for me to write. ‘Chief Marketing Officer’ may not be a title that screams sales to many but as a commercial marketer in the vibrant year of 2023, and for many, many years prior, I have the privilege of playing a crucial role in driving business success. With every campaign, every strategy, and every decision, I strive to create a lasting impression and drive sustained business growth. So, my personal mission has always been clear: to navigate the delicate balance between chasing short-term sales and investing in the long-term growth of a strong brand.

I came from a sales background, from the automotive, financial services and telco sectors, and I very quickly realised the value of good brand building. At International Motors I sold cars (probably my favourite role to date!) which comprised the Subaru and Isuzu brands. It was at the time when Colin McRae dominated the World Rally Championship, before social media, and yet the branding in the showroom and the volume of customers that marketing drove in the doors was incredible. You could not get away from the brilliance of the product, and the value that the marketing teams drove from them. I simply didn’t have the stock to keep up with the demand that the brand had generated.

At Sony, I wholesaled to our four key Global Customer Units, selling in, at volume, to some of the biggest movers and shakers on the planet. My competition was fierce, and they had far deeper products. While they went above the line with campaigns that rarely left our TV screens, I was able to build bespoke propositions, all of which spoke directly to individual customer strategies, and simply cut through the immense din. It was a long-term and profitable strategy and it was all brand and marketing at its very finest.

So, in this world that’s driven by instant gratification and the demand for immediate results, it remains vital to recognise the lasting benefits that come with building a brand. I continue to be entrusted with understanding customer needs and market trends, developing effective marketing strategies, and executing campaigns across various channels. Armed with data and analytics, I make informed decisions, create compelling messaging and branding, identify target audiences, and optimise customer acquisition and retention.

I am salesperson at heart, and always have been. But I have evolved.

And yes, while I still play in this arena, I play with more finesse…

So let’s take a look at the power of brand building in a world that craves both immediate results and lasting success.

In this short article, I will dip into the realm of brand building, unveiling its indisputable supremacy over the ephemeral charms of short-term sales. This exploration will uncover the resounding impact a strong brand exerts on customer loyalty, market positioning, and the enduring growth of your business. Prepare to navigate the corridors of strategic branding, empowering you with the knowledge to make informed decisions and propel your business towards resounding success.

  • Cultivating Customer Loyalty: Beyond the Transactional Dance

While chasing short-term sales can give your revenue a quick boost, building your brand is like nurturing a long-term relationship that transcends fleeting transactions.

It’s like finding a soulmate for your business, where investing in your brand’s identity, values, and customer experience creates a bond that’s stronger than superglue.

This emotional connection leads to customers coming back for more, spreading the word like wildfire, and building a loyal fan base that’s worth its weight in gold.

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