Business Awards: How to Write a Winning Entry

  • Tanya Thorne
  • Mar 20, 2023
Words in gold text on a black background. The words are Business Awards - How to write a winning entry.

With the #Oscars officially kicking off this year’s awards season, there is no time like the present to discuss the importance of awards to your company – why you should enter, and just how to craft that compelling, and winning entry.

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There is a good reason why award submissions are challenging. Nominations should be factual and objective, but they also need to convey enthusiasm and advocacy. Finding the right balance can certainly be tricky, but despite this, you should never let it discourage you. Being nominated for an award is already a huge accomplishment with the benefits of even being shortlisted, far-reaching.

The Importance of Recognition

Before I take you to my hints and tips for writing an award-winning award entry, let’s take a moment to understand just why receiving recognition holds so much value for you and your company:

  • Increased credibility

In the business world, winning or even being nominated for an award, can be a strong form of third-party validation. These kinds of endorsements can help to solidify your reputation as a trustworthy provider. It’s one thing to say you’re the best, but when someone else says the same thing it gives your company, your product, your service, and your claims, more weight: increasing trust and getting people talking about your brand. This puts you on the radar of your potential customers, partners, and suppliers. Successful businesses gravitate towards other successful businesses, strengthening your supply chain and partner network. Customers are more likely to do business with a company that has a good reputation. And the competition will recognise you as a credible contender.

  • Enhanced customer acquisition, retention, and loyalty

By competing in, and winning industry awards, your company will clearly demonstrate that it is at the forefront of its field, giving customers more confidence in their decision making to come to you, and to stay with you. Customers tend to have more faith in a company that has been recognised for excellence through awards, either as a winner or a nominee. Even if consumers aren’t consciously aware of this perception, award-winning companies are consistently perceived as having a higher level of credibility and honesty, with award participation and success linked to increased revenue and more repeat customers for businesses. Brand loyalty is strengthened as customers prefer to continue doing business with companies that they believe are brilliant, successful, honest, and are here to stay. Your company will be recognised as a reliable brand, and if you’ve won more awards than any other in your industry, who might you think customers will gravitate towards?

  • Employee motivation

Motivating your employees to do their best work is easier when you give them awards for their efforts. Or maybe that’s just me! The motivation to keep up good work and working practices is amplified when employees realise they have played a part in success. Winning an award is a great way to boost morale and motivate your team because it acknowledges their hard work and achievements. An awards ceremony ought to be open to all members of your widest team, and all should be given the chance to attend. Because the accomplishments of the company are the focus of everyone’s attention, every individual can feel an increased sense of pride in their work and understand that it is being both acknowledged and recognised.

  • Attracting Staff

Put simply, high-quality businesses find it easier to hire high-quality employees. By establishing your company as an industry frontrunner, you increase your chances of attracting talent, with experienced employees drawn to the increased opportunities and safety they may find with a market leader. Accolades for accomplishment are the best way to demonstrate your professionalism and standing in your field, demonstrating reliability, expertise, and dedication to prospective employees.

  • Benchmarking

Want to take a step towards levelling the playing field? What I relish about business awards is that they provide a platform from which to take on industry heavyweights and the most innovative start-ups alike sharing the spotlight with some of the biggest and most agile in the industry. In many categories you can effectively compete against far more established and well-known brands and whilst having your company’s logo displayed next to those can be a boon in itself, that pales when you play them at their own game, and win.

  • Exposure

A natural buzz will be generated around your company if it wins an award, with long term benefits far outweighing that short-term euphoria. If you want to get your company’s name in front of influential people in your industry, region, or field, attending an awards ceremony is a great place to start. The act of associating an award with your company will not only garner recognition, but it will also help you solidify your standing as a leading figure in your industry. And, once the thunderous applause dies down and you’re holding the trophy in your hands, the good times keep rolling. Your public relations can be greatly improved by winning an award, and the act of accepting the award should only be the first step in a larger campaign to promote the news of your success. If the prize is especially noteworthy, local, and possibly even national media may report on it. Just make sure to update your website, socials, bios, blogs, literature, emails, adverts, sales materials, business cards and so on, with the award logo to gain the most public recognition for your achievement. You earned this; now put it to good use!

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