How to Turn Customers into Brand Advocates

  • Tanya Thorne
  • Apr 20, 2023
A series of yellow post it notes with smiley faces.

There is no better advertising than delighted customers spreading the word about your business.

An influential factor in the success of a brand is its brand champions. Brands that have devoted fans have them because they consistently go above and beyond. These brands recognise that the difference between customer ‘satisfaction’ and ‘delight’ is night and day, and that customers who are truly delighted, drive profitable business growth.

Brand advocates promote your company’s name, encourage word-of-mouth, help to attract new customers, and draw in repeat business. They also help to defend it against negative comments or criticisms. All good stuff…

But first of all, you need them.

The implementation of a referral programme can have a profound effect on your success with word-of-mouth advertising from happy customers being one of the most effective methods for gauging consumer loyalty, predicting future purchases, and bolstering the bottom line. It’s a tried-and-true method that the world’s most successful companies employ to boost brand loyalty.

In this article, I’ll give you some pointers to help you build (and manage) a base of loyal brand advocates.

What is a brand advocate?

A brand advocate is a happy customer who enthusiastically recommends your product to others.

Their impact is staggering.

They speak positively of your company on social media and other public forums, and proactively influence the purchasing decisions of their friends and families, and your prospects.

Brand advocates are responsible for two to three times as many additional purchases as your average customer so customers who are willing to promote your brand are invaluable. With the advent of social media and constant online access, building brand loyalty among consumers is simpler than ever. Yet, the difficulty lies in maintaining a constant brand advocacy strategy, as modern consumers have short attention spans and will likely forget about your brand if you don’t keep them engaged and delighted on a frequent basis.

How to start

You can’t rely on random positive reviews or occasional referrals from satisfied customers. You will need a coordinated strategy to consistently convert the positive sentiments of your customers into tangible business results. Here are a few ways you can develop your strategy:

  • Understand what motivates those who advocate

Advocates for your brand will always make up a relatively modest percentage of your total base. Most of your customers will buy from you one or multiple times, but they won’t actively participate in your brand’s marketing or spread positivity about it. Track the customers who advocate for your company and figure out what makes them tick…and what inspires them to talk.

  • Conduct online polls:

If you ask your consumers a straightforward question like “how likely are you to refer us to a friend?” and then ask them to provide a brief explanation of their response, you will have a profound insight of the factors that contribute to the happiness of your customers.

  • Engage in social listening:

Engage with the people who are sharing positive feedback about your brand on social media and pay full attention to what they have to say.

  • Speak to returning customers:

The key to a successful and sustainable business plan is understanding the factors that inspire advocacy. When customer buys again or renews their contract, it’s a good idea to understand their motivation, and what you can do to keep them coming back for more.

Why are brand advocates so important?

  • According to a study by Ambassador, 71% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase based on a recommendation from a friend or family member. It also found that companies with a formalised advocacy program see an average increase in customer retention of 19%.
  • Brand advocates are 50% more likely to influence a purchase decision than a regular customer, according to a study by Zuberance.
  • According to a study by Nielsen, 92% of consumers trust recommendations from friends and family, while only 33% trust ads.
  • Brand advocates tend to be more loyal customers. According to a study by Harvard Business Review, a 12% increase in advocacy leads to a 2x increase in revenue growth rate.
  • Brand advocates can also help improve a company’s reputation. According to a study by Ogilvy, 81% of consumers said that they need to be able to trust the brand to buy from them.
  • Another study by Deloitte found that customers who are advocates of a brand are 4 times more likely to refer others to the brand.
  • Brand advocates can also help increase a company’s social media reach. According to a study by SocialChorus, posts shared by employees and advocates have a 24x higher click-through rate than those shared by the brand.
  • According to a study by Hootsuite, 75% of consumers trust recommendations from people they follow on social media, which can include brand advocates.

Overall, these statistics demonstrate the significant impact that brand advocates can have on a business, including increased trust, influence, customer retention, and lifetime value. Word-of-mouth marketing is powerful with consumers saying they rely more on friends’ recommendations than they do on advertisements when making a purchase.

All these stats mean one thing…turning customers into brand champions is crucial for healthy growth.

12 tips to turn happy customers into brand advocates

  1. Deliver a great product or service:

The quality of your product or service is the foundation of your brand’s reputation. A company with a reputation for delivering high-quality products or services can command premium pricing and stand out in a crowded market. It is also better positioned to weather economic downturns and competitive threats, as loyal customers are less likely to defect to rivals.

Having a great product translates into repeat business and positive word-of-mouth marketing. Make sure that your products or services are of high quality and meet the expectations of your customers. Focus on providing value to your customers, and they will be more likely to recommend you to others.

2. Create an engaging onboarding experience

First impressions last.

This is why the ease with which new customers can buy, and start using, your product has a bearing on how long they stick with you. The way you bring new users to your product can make or break your ability to keep them as paying customers and, if you get it spot on, can have a direct and positive impact on retention. And when customers become brand advocates, they not only bring in new business but also help build your brand’s reputation for delivering that great customer experience.

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